The Monotheist and "I"[copied from my old wordpress]
Does life mean anything? Does suffering mean anything?
(I call God "He" not because I believe he is a man, obviously he is outside of gender, but as a unambiguous signifier of his singleness.)
God is present in the images he made of himself, and you contact God daily through those images.
GEN 1:26 "Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth."
In the likeness of ourselves, he says. He says and it is.
We were designated as caretakers of Earth, we were made as God to be God in the real.
God is your fingers in the hair of someone you give your adoration, and God is what you feel when you are crying when praying. God is your bedroom because you made it, and God is your writing, because you wrote it.
GEN 1:28-31 "God blessed them: God said to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth." Then God said, "Here! Throughout the whole earth I am giving you as food every seed-bearing plant and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. And to every wild animal, bird in the air and creature crawling on the earth, in which there is a living soul, I am giving as food every kind of green plant." And that is how it was. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good."
Create, then fill that creation with life. We are creations of love, conception is an act of love. Love besets love. Fill love with life! Feel love every moment of the day. All emotions are love if you want them to be. Hatred is because you love something that cannot be loved.
Even God is not objective. Morality is not real, but our perception of everything has a moral undertone. Sin is personal, if you don't believe you have sinned, you have not sinned. God saw that it was good. Us as his image see that everything is good, just as we see a beautiful sunset on an evening walk.
Image as its original meaning, a real physical depiction of something you cannot see as it is. Draw a picture of love. Sculpt love. You can try, and get close, but you cannot do it.
09/05/24 1540CST
Love so intense it hurts
Beyond hurting, the overwhelming sensation of pure love must be absolutely agonising
Teresa of Avila, my beloved, existed within this idea, literal and physical she found herself receiving the pure light of love from God. He pierced her body with the physical manifestation of his love, and it was agony. Yet it was also something she could never live without.
My beauty, Teresa, she loves and loves and received as recompense an offering of what true love feels like. The sum of her love and all on earth and beyond.
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Good Morning. It is September 5th, 2024; 1136 US-CST. My mind focuses on Islam more than usual today. What an unbelievable amount of respect I have for the religion, a religion of art and discipline and brotherhood and beauty and love! I wonder why it lives in my mind this morning, however.
The mental capacity of myself after having not slept in over 36 hours is fascinating. I approach it exactly as if I were trying to be more aware of how a drug is affecting my mental. While tiring, it is fun. You can recontextualise a lot of things into being fun, self proctored CBT I guess. I am in the process of writing a full length album about a 15 year old transgender woman who is addicted to morphine on the streets of Rome in 1852. I pray that I keep my current level of enthusiasm for the project, I am quite passionate about the concept and my vision for the sound is perfectly crafted in the map in my thoughts. I have fourth (sometimes fifth!) dimensional visual abstractions in my mind whenever I am trying to figure out how a new conept relates to everything around it. Everything is everything else, there would be no apples without trees, no pianos without hummingbirds, no Dave Liebman without birch trees. The web of connections is sometimes more frsh in my mind than not. I can see it laid out so clearly, it is beyond the physical. Most peoples mental visualities are weak and can't be held on to as most people can't contextualise their thoughts outside of language. However, I have a fuller understanding of how the process of thought works in my mind, and as such, I learn the language of my mind, and I can so clearly see everything that's happening up there. This is a gift from God, a sign that I have so much more to do. He is teaching us three patience, so I will wait for him.
< /aoife>
It is still September 3rd, 2024; now 1456 US-CST. Thinking harder about what of my writing I have shared, I want more to be released. These are selected exerpts from the current draft of the New Cathechism
DEUS IN AGENDO (God Within Action)
God presents himself through every interaction between things. When an ensouled being interacts with anything, the god within the action has real physical effects upon the interacted. Touching an object gentler will make it behave in a way that is kinder and calmer.
TRINITAS SPIRITUS CARNUS ET DEI (The Trinity of The Spirit, The Flesh, & God)
Souls exist as beings of the spirit, the flesh, and god.
Beings of the spirit are angels and demons, the souls of those who linger, and the consciousness of Humanity. Existing within the non-physical realm, they can interact with the physical world, but not exist in it as beings of the flesh.
Beings of the flesh are all of God's creation that can be perceived through physical sensation. The bodies of Humans exist as beings of the flesh. Life that breathes and interacts with clear distinction.
God is God the trinity and god within Humans, completing Trinitas Spiritus Carnus Et Dei. Humans are the perfect creation of God, made in his image, able to be mystically united with him through Universal Salvation. The goodness of flesh and the intimacy of the spirit held together with the soul of god, cleansed within the waters of the womb of the mother.
Trinitas Spiritus Carnus Et Dei is of course the trinity of God (Patris, et Fili, et Spiritu Sancti), and the Trinity exists within all humans who know their body as well as their soul.Beings of the spirit cannot experience the Mysterium Carnale (Mystery of the Flesh), as they have no parts to beget friction. Beings of the flesh cannot experience the Mysterium Amoris (Mystery of Love), as there is no interaction of spirit to experience. God exists separate from his creation, leaving humanity to inherit God within his perfect creation.
Creation is good. When humans tried to become God separate from creation, Adam bites into the apple, and we realise we are naked. Attempting to seperate us (we are creation) from creation creates a vacuum between the trinity. Social customs and taboos and expectations and roles and on and on the anthropologie extends as a creation of humanity to fill within ourselves this vacuum of separation from creation.
Theology is just a study in language of what "religion" can only be experienced as a human, in full communion of body, soul, and language. That being said there are truths to be expressed through language, as it is one of the three trinitarian equivalences.
"God the Father" EQUIVALENCE: Language(connection?)
Language is the history of everything. Anything beyond inherent unaccountable genetic memories (such as the genetic memory of Eden within all being of flesh) must be recorded within the constructs of language. Language is made to be diverse and ever evolving because it is a living part of God. Complex human language is uniquely divine and is a breathing "real" apparatus of religion. Prayers and scripture and jokes and laughter and confessions and love and sorrow are all contained within language.
TO BE DEVELOPED MORE LATER. This revelation hit me very recently so it has to churn in my mind some more before I'm comfortable saying anything as definite.
"God the Son" EQUIVALENCE: Body
Of course. Angels are not equal to humans, they don't have the ability to feel the friction of a loved one's skin, or feel the water of a beautiful hidden stream run through their hands. This interaction as beings of true organic matter is so so so beautiful. The intricacy of the body is reason enough to praise God. You aren't supposed to think about it too much though, that's a job for those called to be nurses and doctors and such. I'm still struggling with this. You must stop analysing the specifics of your body and the specifics of the body (i.e., "We all have a nose and like spleens and shit, huh") and live in it! Don't dwell on creation as something to understand, you are creation! Live within yourself as yourself and worship creation by existing!
These are clearly still ideas needing development and recourse in how they are communicated, but by sharing this I hope you can find something out of it. I gotta go xoxo
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It is September 3rd, 2024; 1156 US-CST. I am writing this from my fathers home in Wingo, Kentucky. The day is cool again, for the first time in months, and I am happy. The hot summer burns itself into my body, and my already broken spine screams for relief from the heat. I have begun writing my little green book, and I would like to share with you the affirmations of the introduction. I pray that it can coothe your mind if you are struggling with the same things I am, especially point 5. Thank you.
The order of these is currently inconsequential, but when the full document is released, pain yourself over every single detail! I am thorough, I am deliberate, everything is paid to mind by me and every action is deliberate. Everything tells you everything else. You are everybody you have ever met. The world in which you live is you.
I would like to share another, more fantastical writing with you, an exerpt from my New Catechism. Do not read into it too heavily now, as it is unfinished
Gnosticism is Fascism. STEM is Gnosticist praxis. They are the enemy. The divide is those educated beyond ego and those who understand the balance of "real" and the biological* reality of all you exist within.
I know who the enemy is. I can tell as soon as I hear them speak. My understanding is perfectly shaped by the gifts God has given me. Emi Love has this ability too, as does Jenny Marion. My biases do not get in the way of knowing that they hold this gift too. My biases come from me knowing it as soon as my skin touched theirs.
Gnosticists believe in democracy yet are race scientists. They uphold their western democracy and yet invent IQ and create a social-ism that is the default, that being that Some people are born different than others. Any belief of people being born with any quality outside of the physical passed down from their parents is fundamentally race science, and is a fundamental belief in Gnostic society (Differences in people are so clearly results of their environments as they develop from the womb). How can this be true with the perfect and egalitarian democracy unless the advertised result of the system was never the intention? "Democracy", until maybe 50 years ago, never meant everybody was an equal proportion of the deciding factors of governing. Every example of democracy has failed and has never protected people.
I am feeling the nicotine withdrawals now, I will have to go for now. God bless you xoxo
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